1、多槽清洗:五槽設計通常包含預洗、超聲波清洗、漂洗、純水漂洗和幹燥五個步驟。每個槽的功能不同,確保清洗過程高效徹底。 2、超聲波清洗技術:利用超聲波在液體中的空化效應,形成高速的微小氣泡,氣泡在破裂時產生的衝擊力可以迅速去除零件表麵的汙垢、油脂和雜質,尤其適用於複雜形狀和微小孔隙的清洗。 3、自動化控製:……
1、多槽設計:該清洗機采用七個獨立的清洗槽,每個槽都可以配置不同的清洗液或工藝參數,以適應不同的清洗需求。多槽設計可以在同一設備上完成多個工序的清洗,提高清洗效率和生產能力。 2、自動化機械手:清洗機配備了自動化機械手,具備靈活的動作和精準的定位能力。機械手可以根據預設的程序,自動提取、移動和放置待清洗的物件,實……
1, the use of city-state motors, accurate positioning, flexible arm handling; 2, fully closed management, to ensure that the cleaning environment clean; ……
1, the use of city-state motors, accurate positioning, flexible arm handling; 2, fully closed management, to ensure that the cleaning environment clean; ……
Automatic hydrocarbon vacuum ultrasonic cleaning machine, is a use of liquid in the vacuum state of physical changes, to change some of the characteristics of hydrocarbon cleaning machine, can make up for the shortcomings of hydrocarbon solvents, so that the advantages of the hydrocarbon cleaning machine is maximized, ……
1.high degree of automation: high degree of automation of the whole machine, simple and safe operation. 2. Circulating filtration system: heating automatic t……
The blue whale battery shell mold uses the mechanical arm full automatic ultrasonic cleaner, mainly by: mechanical transmission system, ultrasonic system, heating system, drying system, water supply and drainage system and electrical control system composed of six parts, generally using PLC control, easy to operate, th……
1, imported material: imported material accessories, reliable performance. 2, easy to operate: easy to operate. 3, automatic manipulator: Manipulator ca……
1.The use of independent computer control robotic arm automation operations; 2.The slot configuration of independent parabolic system, increase the silicon ……
1.Heating and automatic temperature control system. 2. The workpiece in turn in the ultrasonic rough cleaning, ultrasonic rinsing after the workpiece. 3.……
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